Define the term oxidation in terms of electrons. [1 mark] b. Define the term oxidising agent in terms of electron transfer. [1 mark] Chlorine reacts with sodium iodide to produce sodium chloride and iodine. The ionic equation for this reaction is: Cl2 + 2I- → I2 + 2Cl- c. Identify the reducing agent in this reaction and explain your answer in terms of changes in oxidation state and electron movement. [3 marks] d. Deduce the oxidation state of the element given in each of the following compounds and ions: i. C in C2H4 [1 mark] ii. N in NH4 + [1 mark] iii. C in C2O4 2- [1 mark] iv. P in PO4 3- [1 mark] v. Cl in ClO3